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 Home Urban Design Awards Urban Design Awards - Submission Fee

Urban Design Awards - Submission Fee

Thanks for your interest in submitting your project to the Edmonton Urban Design Awards.

This year, submission is a two-step process. You will need to pay the submission fee below, and then return to the competition website to complete your entry. You can pay the submission fee any time between now and the competition deadline.

Click the link below to add the fee to your cart Once you have made payment, you will receive an email with your invoice number. You will need this invoice number and complete project information in order to submit your project. All entries are to be submitted online through the competition website by July 31, 2019 at 4 p.m.

Student projects are exempt from payment.

DISCLAIMER: You are not signing up for a class and just submitting your fee for the awards competition

For more information, please visit the competition website at edmonton.ca/urbandesignawards


Information: No classes within that range.