We provide support for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing for registered programs.

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Recreation Memberships

Whether you are looking to visit a recreation facility or buy a membership, we have you covered.

Instructor-led drop-in classes are available for Facility Plus and All Facility memberships. Facility members are required to pay the full drop-in admission fee for these classes.

Discounted memberships, including Corporate Wellness and Community League Wellness, and Family memberships must be purchased in-person at our facilities to validate eligibility. Family memberships are sold for all members of the same household related by birth, legal status, or marriage up to a max of 7 people.

Facility Memberships

Access to all Leisure Centres, including Mill Woods Recreation Centre, and Outdoor Pools.

Facility Plus Memberships

Access to all Leisure Centres, Outdoor Pools, as well as Kinsmen Sports Centre and Commonwealth Recreation Centre.

All Facility Memberships

Access to all Recreation Centres and Leisure Centres, Outdoor Pools, including Clareview, Terwillegar and The Meadows Community Recreation Centre.

Promo Memberships

Limited Time Offers!